On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 10:54 AM, Ina Panova <ipan...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Dennis,
> thank you for sending out the summary of our meeting.
> Just to highlight and check the overall understanding -  there will be one
> repository per Y pulp release which might contain multiple Z and Y plugin
> version releases.
> Correct me if i am wrong.
That is correct.

> What would be our next steps in terms of collaboration with the build team?
My understanding was that Patrick is planning to do some investigation and
report back on this thread. Please correct me if I am wrong.

> --------
> Regards,
> Ina Panova
> Software Engineer| Pulp| Red Hat Inc.
> "Do not go where the path may lead,
>  go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
> On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 8:20 PM, Dennis Kliban <dkli...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Earlier today a few of us met to discuss how we can release new Y
>> releases of plugins without a Y release of the platform accompanying them.
>> The initial proposal was to publish a new Y release of a plugin at the
>> same time as a Z release of platform and other plugins. More concretely, we
>> were discussing putting pulp-docker-* 3.2.0 packages into the 2.16
>> repository[0]. This repository currently contains 3.1.3 packages.
>> Publishing 3.2.0 packages to this repository would completely remove the
>> 3.1.3 pulp-docker packages. Since 3.1.3 pulp-docker-* packages were only
>> published to the 2.16 repository, the only 3.1.z package available after a
>> publish of 3.2.0 would be 3.1.2 in the 2.15 repository[1]. After
>> identifying this problem, we decided to NOT release pulp-docker-* 3.2.0
>> with the 2.16.2 z-stream release.
>> In order to eliminate this problem in the future, we would like to
>> investigate if it will be possible to compose repositories with new Y
>> releases of plugins while retaining the previous versions of packages that
>> were already published to the repository before. If this is possible, we
>> would try to start composing our Z stream repositories in such a way
>> starting with 2.17.0 release.
>> Questions? Thoughts? Ideas?
>> [0] https://repos.fedorapeople.org/pulp/pulp/stable/2.16/7Server/x86_64/
>> [1] https://repos.fedorapeople.org/pulp/pulp/stable/2.15/7Server/x86_64/
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