Hi Christina

Just replacing sha256 with sha does not work. (including deletion of
Then the generated hash in the pulp metadata is wrong.
And the hash in the repodata/primary.xml.gz is still sha256!

pulp-admin rpm repo content rpm --repo-id centos.5.x86_64.puzzle | grep
Data-Random -C 20
Checksum:     d44cb4afbbdd2cca8cac107a19ff878847ec03e0
Checksumtype: sha

should be
# sha1sum perl-Data-Random-0.05-1.el5.noarch.rpm

After # pulp-admin rpm repo publish run --repo-id centos.5.x86_64.puzzle
the repodata/...-primary.xml.gzl file still uses the sha256sum:
  <version epoch="0" ver="0.05" rel="1.el5"/>
  <checksum type="sha256"

# sha256sum perl-Data-Random-0.05-1.el5.noarch.rpm

Does it work differently on your system?
# rpm -qi pulp-admin-client
Version     : 2.3.1

Philipp Gassmann

Am 17.06.2014 17:43, schrieb Christina Plummer:
> Hi Philipp,
> I believe there were 3 lines that needed sha256 to be replaced by sha in
> package.py per my diff:
> 70: checksum = _calculate_checksum('sha', bundle.filename)
> 78: 'checksumtype' : 'sha',
> 143: unit_key['checksumtype'] = 'sha' # hardcoded to this in v1 so
> leaving this way for now
> Also, did you make sure to set aside the old .pyc and .pyo files and
> restart httpd before performing the upload?
> This will, of course, force all your uploaded packages to use 'sha' - so
> you would also need to change the checksum-type on your EL6 repos from
> sha256 to sha and republish.
> Christina
> On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Philipp Gassmann <gassm...@puzzle.ch
> <mailto:gassm...@puzzle.ch>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I tried no to modify the
> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp_rpm/extension/admin/upload/package.py
>     as suggested by Christina Plummer.
>     (on the separate build-server, not on the pulp server)
>     just replacing sha256 with sha didn't work.
>     _checksum_calculate_checksum(type,file) needs 'sha1' as type to generate
>     a correct sha1 hash, but the checksum type for the pulp-metadata needs
>     to be 'sha'.
>     Now I managed to get the pulp-metadata right when i check on the command
>     line:
>     # pulp-admin rpm repo content rpm --repo-id centos.5.x86_64.puzzle |
>     grep Data-Random -C 20
>     Arch:         noarch
>     Buildhost:    buildserver.not.puzzle.ch
>     <http://buildserver.not.puzzle.ch/>
>     Checksum:     4ad4b6eb87df53002f2c25223495a1503458420f
>     Checksumtype: sha
>     Description:  A module used to generate random data. Useful mostly
>     for test
>                   programs.
>     Epoch:        0
>     Filename:     perl-Data-Random-0.05-1.el5.noarch.rpm
>     License:      Artistic/GPL
>     Name:         perl-Data-Random
>     Provides:     perl(Data::Random) = 0.05-0,
>     perl(Data::Random::WordList) =
>                   0.05-0, perl-Data-Random = 0.05-1.el5-0
>     Release:      1.el5
>     Requires:     perl, perl(Carp), perl(Date::Calc), perl(Exporter),
>     perl(GD)
>     Vendor:       Dag Apt Repository, http://dag.wieers.com/apt/
>     Version:      0.05
>     BUT then I run the repo publish command to generate the xml metadata
>     # pulp-admin rpm repo publish run --repo-id centos.5.x86_64.puzzle
>     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>                  Publishing Repository [centos.5.x86_64.puzzle]
>     +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>     This command may be exited by pressing ctrl+c without affecting the
>     actual
>     operation on the server.
>     Publishing distributions...
>     [==================================================] 100%
>     Distributions: 0/0 items
>     ... completed
>     Publishing packages...
>     [==================================================] 100%
>     Packages: 157/157 items
>     ... completed
>     Generating metadata
>     [\]
>     ... completed
>     Publishing repository over HTTPS
>     [-]
>     ... completed
>     Publishing repository over HTTP
>     [\]
>     ... completed
>     AND it still generates the WRONG Hash to the repodata/primary.xml.gz:
>     <package type="rpm">
>     <name>perl-Data-Random</name>
>     <arch>noarch</arch><version epoch="0" ver="0.05" rel="1.el5"/>
>     <checksum type="sha256"
> pkgid="YES">c45114bb7c1b2331e1bc352a691d3eaac1a14f3a6a5011eeae73c1eb8c8f86a2</checksum>
>     ...
>     It looks completely broken, inconsistent on various levels
>     (architecture/implementation/process).
>     - checksum calculated per upload
>     - checksum type per file in a repository
>     - checksum type as repository option (OK) but without effect.
>     - inconsistent checksum (type) between metadata in database and in xml
>     repodata
>     - type sha means hashlib.new('sha1')
>     - Manual Package upload should be a core functionality of pulp and it is
>     so broken
>     - Bug is known since September last year
>     - Bug is categorized to "user-experience"
>     - Pulp is supposed to be a core part of Satellite 6
>     Sorry for the rant, but I expect better quality from Red Hat.
>     We want to use pulp as yum repository mirror and Server for RHEL/CentOS
>     5 & 6, stumbling over such a blocker is very disappointing.
>     Regards,
>     Philipp Gassmann
>     Am 17.06.2014 15:36, schrieb Philipp Gassmann:
>     > Hi Barnaby,
>     >
>     > This option (--checksum-type) is not present in the current stable
>     > version of pulp (2.3.1) as Christina Plummer already mentioned in
>     March.
>     >
>     > And as mentioned below, it is still hardcoded in the current
>     master branch:
>     >     # Checksum
>     >     unit_key['checksumtype'] = 'sha256' # hardcoded to this in v1 so
>     > leaving this way for now
>     >
>     >
> https://github.com/pulp/pulp_rpm/blame/master/extensions_admin/pulp_rpm/extensions/admin/upload/package.py#L178
>     >
>     >
>     > from the details of repo list --detail (see below) it looks like
>     > "Checksum Type" is a property of the distributor of the
>     repository. That
>     > makes sense to me, as the whole repository is to be consumed by a EL 5
>     > client.
>     > BTW. "Auto Publish: True" does not seem to work when manually
>     uploading
>     > a package (it did in pulp v1).
>     >
>     > Regards,
>     > Philipp
>     >
>     > Am 17.06.2014 15:02, schrieb Barnaby Court:
>     >> Hi, Pulp does support EL5 platforms.  The trick is that you have
>     to specify the checksum during the upload of RPM content units.
>      Pulp treats files with a different checksum as completely different
>     entities.  Use the "pulp-admin rpm repo uploads rpm --checksum-type
>     sha ..." for uploading the package for RHEL5.  This allows you to
>     override the default checksum type of sha256 whenever you upload an
>     RPM.  Upload the same rpm twice, once with --checksum-type sha for
>     your el5 repo and once without the option specified or specified as
>     sha256 for your EL6 repo.  Regards,
>     >>
>     >> Barnaby
>     >>
>     >> ----- Original Message -----
>     >> From: "Philipp Gassmann" <gassm...@puzzle.ch
>     <mailto:gassm...@puzzle.ch>>
>     >> To: "Martin Collins" <martin.coll...@framestore.com
>     <mailto:martin.coll...@framestore.com>>, "Christina Plummer"
>     <cplum...@gmail.com <mailto:cplum...@gmail.com>>, "Barnaby Court"
>     <bco...@redhat.com <mailto:bco...@redhat.com>>
>     >> Cc: pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com>
>     >> Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 4:51:57 AM
>     >> Subject: Re: [Pulp-list] Repo configured to use SHA checksums,
>     but uploaded  packages still get SHA256
>     >>
>     >> Thanks for the replys!
>     >> Unfortuately those workarounds are not really usable if you need to
>     >> upload packages to existing repos for EL5 and EL6.
>     >> I migrated the EL5 repos from pulp_v1 by initially syncing from those
>     >> repos. Now I need to add additional packages to those repositories.
>     >>
>     >> I'm quite disappointed to find out that Pulp 2 does support
>     repositories
>     >> for EL5, even though RHEL 5 is listed as supported Platform.
>     >>
>     >> http://www.pulpproject.org/
>     >> Supported Platforms:
>     >> Fedora 18, Fedora 19, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, Red Hat
>     Enterprise Linux 6
>     >>
>     >> The sha256 is still hardcoded:
>     >>
> https://github.com/pulp/pulp_rpm/blob/master/extensions_admin/pulp_rpm/extensions/admin/upload/package.py
>     >>
>     >> The checksumtype is a repository option so the checksum should not be
>     >> different for different packages of the same repository.
>     >> Pulp 1 had the command to generate the metadata.
>     >> Pulp 2 has the publish command which has a stage "generating
>     metadata",
>     >> there the checksum should be created.
>     >> Am I wrong on that?
>     >> Why does pulp 2.4 add an option "--checksum-type" to the upload
>     command?
>     >> Shouln't it use the repository checksum-type option?
>     >> What is the checksum-type option of the repository for?
>     >>
>     >> pulp-admin rpm repo update --repo-id centos.5.x86_64.custom
>     >> --checksum-type=sha1
>     >>
>     >> Id:                  centos.5.i386.updates
>     >> Display Name:        centos.5.i386.updates
>     >> Description:         Last checked by Puppet on Tue Jun 17
>     06:43:30 CEST 2014
>     >> Content Unit Counts:
>     >>   Rpm: 408
>     >> Notes:
>     >> Importers:
>     >>   Config:
>     >>     Feed: http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/mirror/centos/5/updates/i386/
>     >>   Id:               yum_importer
>     >>   Importer Type Id: yum_importer
>     >>   Last Sync:        2014-05-21T11:54:49+02:00
>     >>   Repo Id:          centos.5.i386.updates
>     >>   Scheduled Syncs:
>     >> Distributors:
>     >>   Auto Publish:        True
>     >>   Config:
>     >>     Checksum Type: sha1
>     >>     Http:          True
>     >>     Https:         True
>     >>     Relative URL:  centos.5.i386.updates
>     >>   Distributor Type Id: yum_distributor
>     >>   Id:                  yum_distributor
>     >>   Last Publish:        2014-05-21T11:55:24+02:00
>     >>   Repo Id:             centos.5.i386.updates
>     >>   Scheduled Publishes:
>     >>
>     >>
>     >> The Bug Report is here:
>     >> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1004580
>     >>
>     >>
>     >> Am 16.06.2014 23:37, schrieb Martin Collins:
>     >>> My workaround (as I have a large number of rhel6 and only a few for
>     >>> rhel5) was to just sync from a file:/// feed URL for rhel5 then
>     just put
>     >>> the rpms in that dir, createrepo -s sha, then sync and continue
>     normally
>     >>> from there
>     >>>
>     >>> Cheers
>     >>> Martin
>     >>>
>     >>> On 16 Jun 2014 22:33, "Christina Plummer" <cplum...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:cplum...@gmail.com>
>     >>> <mailto:cplum...@gmail.com <mailto:cplum...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>     >>>
>     >>>     Hi Philipp,
>     >>>
>     >>>     My workaround was to modify the upload/package.py and explicitly
>     >>>     force it to use "sha" instead of "sha256".  On my system,
>     the file
>     >>>     was
>     >>>    
> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp_rpm/extension/admin/upload/package.py
>     >>>     . See attached diff.
>     >>>
>     >>>     Be sure to set aside the package.pyc and package.pyo files
>     as well,
>     >>>     and restart httpd.  Then delete and re-upload the package to
>     your repos.
>     >>>
>     >>>     Belated public thanks to Ryan Bowlby for the pointer on this
>     one.
>     >>>
>     >>>     Christina
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>>     On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Philipp Gassmann
>     >>>     <gassm...@puzzle.ch <mailto:gassm...@puzzle.ch>
>     <mailto:gassm...@puzzle.ch <mailto:gassm...@puzzle.ch>>> wrote:
>     >>>
>     >>>         Hello Christina
>     >>>
>     >>>         I just stumbled over the same issue. I uploaded the same
>     noarch
>     >>>         package
>     >>>         to multiple repositories. now the installation of the
>     package on
>     >>>         CentOS
>     >>>         5 fails because of the wrong checksum.
>     >>>
>     >>>         Did you find a solution or workaround?
>     >>>         I can install the package if I download it manually and
>     install
>     >>>         it with
>     >>>         yum --nogpgcheck.
>     >>>
>     >>>         Regards,
>     >>>         Philipp
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>>         Am 11.03.2014 14:26, schrieb Christina Plummer:
>     >>>         > Hi Barnaby,
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         > Thanks for your note.  Unfortunately, --checksum-type
>     doesn't
>     >>>         seem to be
>     >>>         > an option for the "pulp-admin rpm repo uploads rpm"
>     command:
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         > CWC\cplummer1@cbigdc-rhel6test ~ $ pulp-admin rpm repo
>     uploads rpm
>     >>>         > --repo-id=q1-ol5-x86_64 --file
>     >>>         oracle-validated-1.0.0-34.el5.x86_64.rpm
>     >>>         > --checksum-type sha
>     >>>         > Command: rpm
>     >>>         > Description: uploads one or more RPMs into a repository
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         > Available Arguments:
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >   --repo-id       - (required) unique identifier; only
>     >>>         alphanumeric, .,
>     >>>         > -, and _
>     >>>         >                     allowed
>     >>>         >   --file, -f      - full path to a file to upload; may be
>     >>>         specified multiple
>     >>>         >                     times for multiple files
>     >>>         >   --dir, -d       - full path to a directory
>     containing files
>     >>>         to upload;
>     >>>         > may be
>     >>>         >                     specified multiple times for multiple
>     >>>         directories
>     >>>         >   -v              - display extra information about
>     the upload
>     >>>         process
>     >>>         >   --skip-existing - if specified, RPMs that already
>     exist on
>     >>>         the server
>     >>>         > will not
>     >>>         >                     be uploaded
>     >>>         > The following options were specified but do not exist
>     on the
>     >>>         command:
>     >>>         >   --checksum-type
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         > I am using the RPMs for 2.3.1-1.  Shouldn't it default
>     to the
>     >>>         > checksum-type for the repository, if specified?
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         > Thanks,
>     >>>         > Christina
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         > On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Barnaby Court
>     >>>         <bco...@redhat.com <mailto:bco...@redhat.com>
>     <mailto:bco...@redhat.com <mailto:bco...@redhat.com>>
>     >>>         > <mailto:bco...@redhat.com <mailto:bco...@redhat.com>
>     <mailto:bco...@redhat.com <mailto:bco...@redhat.com>>>> wrote:
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >     Christina,
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >     The checksum on the RPM is set at upload time.  Was
>     >>>         "--checksum-type
>     >>>         >     SHA1" set on the "pulp-admin rpm repo uploads rpm"
>     >>>         command?  If no
>     >>>         >     checksum type is specified it defaults to SHA256.
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >     Regards,
>     >>>         >     Barnaby
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >     ----- Original Message -----
>     >>>         >     From: "Christina Plummer" <cplum...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:cplum...@gmail.com>
>     >>>         <mailto:cplum...@gmail.com <mailto:cplum...@gmail.com>>
>     >>>         >     <mailto:cplum...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:cplum...@gmail.com> <mailto:cplum...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:cplum...@gmail.com>>>>
>     >>>         >     To: pulp-list@redhat.com
>     <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com> <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com
>     <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com>>
>     >>>         <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com
>     <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com> <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com
>     <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com>>>
>     >>>         >     Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 1:42:14 PM
>     >>>         >     Subject: [Pulp-list] Repo configured to use SHA
>     checksums,
>     >>>              but
>     >>>         >     uploaded packages still get SHA256
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >     On Pulp 2.1.3, I had run into issues with sha256
>     checksums
>     >>>         being
>     >>>         >     created for some of the repo metadata files, even
>     though
>     >>>         the repo
>     >>>         >     was configured to use sha instead.
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >     On Pulp 2.3.1, this seems to have been fixed...
>     however, I
>     >>>         am now
>     >>>         >     seeing that packages manually uploaded into a repo are
>     >>>         still getting
>     >>>         >     a sha256 checksum in the repodata, which means
>     that RHEL5/OL5
>     >>>         >     clients can't handle them. Packages that were
>     synced, or
>     >>>         copied from
>     >>>         >     another repository, have the correct checksum type.
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >     OS: RHEL 6.5 x86_64
>     >>>         >     Pulp: 2.3.1-1 (RPMs from Pulp repo)
>     >>>         >     Steps to reproduce:
>     >>>         >     1. Created "live" repo fed from Oracle public yum
>     >>>         repositories,
>     >>>         >     checksum-type=sha, retain-old-count=1
>     >>>         >     2. Created "q1" repo, checksum-type=sha
>     >>>         >     3. Copied rpms from "live" to "q1
>     >>>         >     4. Deleted "known-broken" versions of
>     >>>         oracle-validated-1.1.0 package
>     >>>         >     5. Uploaded "known-working" version of
>     >>>         oracle-validated-1.0.0 package
>     >>>         >     6. Published repo. Every package except for
>     >>>         oracle-validated-1.0.0
>     >>>         >     has a 'sha' checksum; oracle-validated-1.0.0 alone
>     has a
>     >>>         'sha256'
>     >>>         >     checksum.
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >     Is this a bug?
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >     Thanks,
>     >>>         >     Christina
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >     _______________________________________________
>     >>>         >     Pulp-list mailing list
>     >>>         >     Pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com>
>     <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com>>
>     >>>         <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com
>     <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com> <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com
>     <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com>>>
>     >>>         >     https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/pulp-list
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         >
>     >>>         > _______________________________________________
>     >>>         > Pulp-list mailing list
>     >>>         > Pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com>
>     <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com>>
>     >>>         > https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/pulp-list
>     >>>         >
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>>         --
>     >>>         Philipp Gassmann
>     >>>
>     >>>         Puzzle ITC GmbH
>     >>>         http://www.puzzle.ch <http://www.puzzle.ch/>
>     >>>
>     >>>         Telefon +41 31 370 22 00
>     <tel:%2B41%2031%20370%2022%2000> <tel:%2B41%2031%20370%2022%2000>
>     >>>         Werfen Sie einen Blick in unseren Blog:
>     >>>         http://www.puzzle.ch/blog
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>>     _______________________________________________
>     >>>     Pulp-list mailing list
>     >>>     Pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com>
>     <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com>>
>     >>>     https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/pulp-list
>     >>>
>     >>
>     >>
>     >
>     >
>     --
>     Philipp Gassmann
>     Puzzle ITC GmbH
>     http://www.puzzle.ch <http://www.puzzle.ch/>
>     Telefon +41 31 370 22 00 <tel:%2B41%2031%20370%2022%2000>
>     Direkt  +41 31 370 22 02 <tel:%2B41%2031%20370%2022%2002>
>     Fax     +41 31 370 22 01 <tel:%2B41%2031%20370%2022%2001>
>     Werfen Sie einen Blick in unseren Blog:
>     http://www.puzzle.ch/blog

Philipp Gassmann

Puzzle ITC GmbH

Telefon +41 31 370 22 00
Direkt  +41 31 370 22 02
Fax     +41 31 370 22 01

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