On Thu, 2011-10-06 at 13:49 +0200, Maarten Bosmans wrote:
> 2011/10/6 Xavier Bestel <xavier.bes...@free.fr>:
> [...] I made a mistake, that wasn't paman I was talking about but another
> > tool, with a little icon sitting in the systray to quickly select one of
> > the available zeroconf servers. Really handy, but I can't seem to find
> > it anymore in my debian install, does anyone remember its name ?
> I think we vowed never to mention that tool (pad*******er) again on
> this list. ;-)
> It has been deprecated for a long time now and how it handles things
> isn't compatible with how we set up things nowadays.

It's a shame. In my setup, I have an HTPC connected to a stereo. All
individual PCs have their own sound hardware, but sometimes I want to
use the stereo for sound output, and padev*****er is perfect for that
purpose: 2 clicks and the sound moves to the HTPC.

Is there another (recommended) way of doing do now ?


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