On 10/06/2009 08:48 AM, Lennart Poettering wrote:
On Mon, 05.10.09 22:38, Peter Onion (peter.on...@btinternet.com) wrote:

Upgrading PA alone would also require you to update the kernel, udev
and other things.


I didn't read this until I had sent my previous reply.

Are you saying it's actually impossible to upgrade pulseaudio to
anything newer than the current version in Fedora 11 ?
Not sure if "impossible" is the right word. But it's certainly not
easy. And not recommended either. It's a job for a distributor, not a

I can't tell if you are referring to only users here or if you are saying it is not easy for anyone including developers? Either way the situation could be improved for genuinely interested developers by providing the complete build instructions which are currently missing from the docs online and in the package.

On my F11 I have libsndfile-1.20 installed manually with

./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64; make; make install

I then compile PA with

./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64; make; make install

I would certainly appreciate someone providing explicit steps for building the 32 bit chroot on f11. It doesn't sound particularly hard but I haven't got round to figuring out the exact steps myself yet.

Everything else on F11 meets the dep requirements for building the source.


Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd

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