Dear Samuel,

Am Samstag, den 30.01.2010, 18:57 +0100 schrieb samuel:


> Actually I would like it to check if tarzanito is available,
> if yes, use it, if not play locally.

        $ man pulse-client.conf
        default-server= The default sever to connect to. The environment  vari‐
        able $PULSE_SERVER takes precedence.

Maybe you can check if tarzanito is available and set the environment
variable accordingly during startup?

> Also, suppose I would like to play
> locally right now, I'd switch (but not changing the config file, but
> with a quick command, a la pacmd or pactl...) preferrably using a
> keyboard shortcut. (If I have pulseaudio set up, I'd know how to get
> the shortcut)
> My question: Do I have to add sinks for tarzanito and my local alsa,
> and if yes, how exactly do I do that? I tried messing with the
> script, but everytime I change something, it gets messed
> up...

Sorry I have no ideas for this.



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