#307: Support for CoreAudio and MacOSX
  Reporter:  emoret       |       Owner:  lennart
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new    
  Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:         
 Component:  daemon       |    Severity:  normal 
Resolution:               |    Keywords:         
Comment (by coling):

 Patches would be very welcome :)

 Both in terms of being able to run a daemon on an OSX machine for native
 (network) PA clients and both network and local ESD clients and being able
 to provide a Core Audio virutal output device that can be used to allow
 local clients to work via pulseaudio and tunnel to remote daemons etc.

 I did do some research a while ago and spoke to one guy who I tried to
 convince to implement it. Sadly he wasn't really able to at the time. His
 blog was [http://community.livejournal.com/evan_tech/241437.html here] and
 his name is Evan Martin.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/307#comment:1>
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