#720: No audio in E17-compiz
 Reporter:  Vincente  |       Owner:  lennart
     Type:  defect    |      Status:  new    
Milestone:            |   Component:  daemon 
 Keywords:            |  
 Hi, I am an escapee from M$.  Each Linux distro I have tried I have had
 enormous problems with sound, most recently Karmic, 9.10 and U.E. 2.4.
 Having read, literally 100's of forum entries, most "fixes" do NOT work
 and in the end, removing PulseAudio gets the sound back.  I cannot
 understand how a program can be so ill-thought out and flawed.  Anyway, I
 have E17-Compiz ( I know, it is not stable) on a 32Bit machine, no
 problems with audio.  When I install it on a 64Bit machine, ZotacION MB,
 no sound.  The elive forum is loaded with people having the same problem,
 but the forum is poor and little help can be found there.  Can someone
 provide simple, easy to follow steps for me to have sound in E17-compiz to
 save me removing PulseAudio again....I always hate to remove something a
 developer has put in as I figure he must know what he is doing, but having
 a great Linux distro like E17-compiz without sound is like finally
 bringing home that bigscreen TV you have always wanted, setting it up,
 beautiful picture....NO Sound.  Thank you for your anticipated help in
 this matter.  John Vincent

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