#720: No audio in E17-compiz
  Reporter:  Vincente  |       Owner:  lennart
      Type:  defect    |      Status:  new    
 Milestone:            |   Component:  daemon 
Resolution:            |    Keywords:         

Comment(by Vincente):

 Sorry, seems I hit a raw nerve which was not my intention.  I probably
 could have worded it better in that I appreciate that PA must have
 credential, ....the perplexation is, with it being in the position it is,
 how in the world can there be so many problems with sound over so many
 different linux distros??

 You know, as consumers, say we buy that big screen TV we have been lusting
 for and upon getting it home and set up, we are greeted with the
 anticipated tremendous picture....but....NO Sound?  We contact the
 mfgr/retailer and are given pages of rocket science hieroglyphics to
 stumble through in hopes of activating sound.  No one would stand, for a
 minute, that scenario yet it is an every day occurance with Linux.

 I am the average guy trying to make the transition from M$ to Linux, am
 not a computer tech/rocket scientist (nor do I want to be) but it is,
 after all, the year 2009 and it is unbelieveable something as basic as
 "sound" presents so much difficulty.....this is not limited to Ubuntu
 (although their 100's of pages of pleas for help indicate the depth of the
 problem and the popularity of that particular distro)...almost every other
 distro I have tried has sound problems with pleas for help in their
 related support forums.

 You state: "...(we, PA)...need user feedback to solve these problems and
 improve the situation for everyone...." and really that was my ill-worded
 (evidently) intent as, being that "average" user, I would hope linux can
 become more user friendly as I have seen too many people defeated in the
 effort to make the transition...good example is a 10 page "fix" I can link
 to you (if interested) by a person way beyond me in his technical
 abilities and understanding.....a 10 page fix of forumulas only an
 Einstein could appreciate....and this gentleman, in the end, still could
 not get sound and ending by saying:  "To hell with it, I disabled
 PulseAudio and bingo, got my sound back"  This speaks volumes to any who
 really want to hear.

 Thanks for your suggestions, I will try to follow them, not sure I have
 the technical savy to do so, but, as they say, any port in a storm....and,
 I guess I always have the "to hell with it" option to fall back
 on......though that's a shame, it shouldn't have to come to that.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/720#comment:3>
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