#761: Volumes (>100%) not saved correctly
  Reporter:  wolterh  |       Owner:  lennart                
      Type:  defect   |      Status:  reopened               
 Milestone:           |   Component:  module-device-restore  
Resolution:           |    Keywords:  settings,gain,boost,200

Comment(by coling):

 Can you increase the logging level to max (in daemon.conf) and then post
 the relevant parts of your syslog over a fully cycle? This way I should be
 able to see where the volumes are set. I couldn't reproduce with a USB
 device on hotplug with gnome-volume-control* not running, so I suspect
 something external to PA is actually doing this limiting - the full log
 files should indicate if it's internal or an external client that is
 making the change and thus allow us to narrow down where to look for the

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/761#comment:4>
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