#761: Volumes (>100%) not saved correctly
  Reporter:  wolterh  |       Owner:  lennart                
      Type:  defect   |      Status:  reopened               
 Milestone:           |   Component:  module-device-restore  
Resolution:           |    Keywords:  settings,gain,boost,200

Comment(by coling):

 I was being lazy before. I should have been more detailed. Sorry :(

 Yes /etc/pulse/daemon.conf is the right file.

 The log-level (one g only!) should be set to "debug".
   log-level = "debug"

 Hope that allows you to debug.

 You should probably edit the syslog before posting it, e.g.

 grep pulseaudio /var/log/messages >pulselog.txt

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/761#comment:6>
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