#837: A52 (ac3/Dolby Digital) encoding for SPDIF / Pulseaudio
  Reporter:  mcarans  |       Owner:  lennart      
      Type:  defect   |      Status:  new          
 Milestone:           |   Component:  module-alsa-*
Resolution:           |    Keywords:               

Comment(by mcarans):

 Hi, thanks for your reply.

 Using Alsa on its own, the AC3 plugin seemed to work fine - I tried with
 music and the game Oolite. Did the timing problems for you happen straight
 away or did they take a while to start?

 I had trouble following what Raymond was saying here: https://bugtrack
 .alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/view.php?id=5054 but I think the main points
 1. Pulseaudio ignores the error "SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_START failed"
 2. Pulseaudio cannot start the device when there is no data and must keep
 sending data at the sampling rate to prevent any underrun occurring

 Does that help? Is there anything I can go back to Raymond et al with for
 them to look at/fix?

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/837#comment:7>
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