#837: A52 (ac3/Dolby Digital) encoding for SPDIF / Pulseaudio
  Reporter:  mcarans  |       Owner:  lennart      
      Type:  defect   |      Status:  new          
 Milestone:           |   Component:  module-alsa-*
Resolution:           |    Keywords:               

Comment(by mcarans):

 I have found something that works for a while.

 I add to .asoundrc:
 # Rate Converter to 48kHz, needed for Pulseaudio it seems
 pcm.Filter_RateConvert {
     type rate
     slave {
         pcm "Filter_A52Encode"
         rate 48000

 and in default.pa:
 load-module module-alsa-sink device=Filter_RateConvert rate=48000
 channels=6 tsched=0 sink_properties=device.description=SPDIF

 Music plays through AC3 via SPDIF through Pulseaudio and Alsa, but when I
 close the application (eg. Rhythmbox music player), the SPDIF output

 I have attached a new back trace: pulseaudiooutput_rateconverter.txt

 I think it's here where the Filter_RateConvert sink gets unloaded for some
 I: client.c: Freed 1 "Rhythmbox"
 I: protocol-native.c: Connection died.
 I: module.c: Unloading "module-alsa-sink" (index: #4).
 D: module-always-sink.c: Autoloading null-sink as no other sinks detected.

 How can I prevent this unloading?

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/837#comment:9>
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