> The title_pattern method is used in resource.rb in the parse_title
> method. It will expect that you return an (not really intuitive) array
> of the form
> [ [ regex1, ARRAY ], [ regex2, ARRAY ] ]
> with ARRAY = [ [:namevar1, proc_that_is_called_with_namevar1], ...
> ,[:namevarN, proc ] ]
> In you example your title_pattern method could return
> [ [ /^(.*):(.*)$/, [ [ :target, lambda{|x| x} ], [:username, lambda{|x| x}]
> ] ] ]

At one point this had been simpler but apparently that got refactored away;
in the older code, if you didn't want the name munged the lambda {|x| x}
(a.k.a. identity) could be omitted.

The idea here (to render the situation a little more intelligible) is that
you can specify an ordered list of title patterns, and the first one that
matches is used to set the corresponding namevar-components.  To accomplish
this, each pattern is associated with an array of property names (as
symbols) and a munging function (the lambda) which can be used to extract /
reformat  the data.  There should be the same number of these as there are
groups in the regular expression, and they will be passed the matching part
of the title.

If no pattern matches no properties are set and you have to specify them
yourself.  I believe this basically giver you what you want:

What I'd like is this:
> foo { "meaningless_name":
>  target => "/some/path",
>  username => "username"
> }
with no extra fuss.  Because there is only one pattern, so long as
"meaningless_name" doesn't contain a colon, it won't set any of the
components of the namevar, and you'll get the uniqueness restrictions you

You don't have to do:

> Then, in foo.rb, I'd like to be able to say:
> :namevar = "#{target}:#{username}

because that's in effect a subset of what the composite namevar system is

I'd actually advise tightening the regular expression somewhat (as I'd
originally suggested) to at least make sure the user name was well formed
(and specifically, did not contain a colon), say something like:

    [ [ /^(.+):([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)$/, [ [ :target, lambda{|x| x} ], [:username,
lambda{|x| x}] ] ] ]

and perhaps even further, to specify valid paths or...?.  Since you aren't
planning on using the decomposition mechanism in most cases, it would make
sense to have it as tight as reasonably possible so as to prevent it
"accidentally" doing you any favours, while still leaving it correct* for
the cases where you do decide to use it.

Conversely, I suppose you could have title_patterns just return:


meaning "there are no supported ways to parse the title into namevar
components" which would require that the target and username always be
specified and collectively unique within the type, well as the usual
requirement that the title be unique withing the type.

-- M
* That is, you'd want to make sure that would still accept all valid user
When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles,
scream and shout. -- 1920's parody of the
maritime general prudential rule

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