So going back to the initial proposal that James made:

It occurs to me that the logical extension of a Dashboard RBAC system (or
perhaps even moving elements of the problem upstream) is for auth.conf to
recognize users or perhaps better "roles" as an authentication construct.

This seems like a very reasonable incremental step.  It doesn't solve
everything--in fact, if there's no way provided to assign roles to users, it
doesn't solve *anything*.  But if we're ever going to have RBAC in core,
auth.conf will have to recognize roles as authentication constructs.  I
think we're in danger of falling into the "yes but your proposal for fixing
the leaky faucet doesn't solve world hunger" rat hole, as we're so wont to
do these days.  :)

Recognizing something that will need to be done regardless and getting it in
the queue I'm fine with.  Trying to grow a comprehensive security
architecture from such a potsherd, not so much.

-- M
When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles,
scream and shout. -- 1920's parody of the
maritime general prudential rule

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