I mentioned this before in a previous post but I can't find that post.

Anyways, I am using the puppet api rest interface and my python yaml
parser doesn't like the output given.  Exactly what parser are you
guys using to encode your objects into Yaml?  I don't know why my
parser is choking you the yaml from puppet.
I am using puppet enterprise 1.0 which is version puppet 2.6.4 I
believe.  If I need to patch let me know how to patch with puppet

I am using the following yaml parser


This is the part where my yaml parse chokes on

 File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/yaml/constructor.py", line
419, in construct_undefined
yaml.constructor.ConstructorError: could not determine a constructor
for the tag '!ruby/object:Puppet::Node::Facts'
  in "<string>", line 1, column 5:
    --- !ruby/object:Puppet::Node::Facts

This is the yaml output from the test application I built which should
correspond to line 1, column 5

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