>> I am very new to yaml so I have to research your suggestions.  It
> >> sounds like I'll need to create an object for the yaml output to map
> >> to though.
> >>
> >> I'll respond back in the thread once I figure this out.
> >
> > It looks likr pyyaml does support loading foreign types (by mapping
> them).
> > Look for add_constructor on this page:
> > http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAMLDocumentation for some examples of how to
> do
> > this.  You can probably get away with just making all ruby objects into
> > dictionaries for a start.
> I've always done this in Python by specifying yaml tags,
> http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users/browse_thread/thread/ededa6a1da32cb00
> class PuppetReport(yaml.YAMLObject):
>  yaml_tag = u'!ruby/object:Puppet::Transaction::Report'
>  def __init__(self, host, logs, metrics, records, time):
>    self.host = host
>    self.logs = logs
>    self.metrics = metrics
>    self.records = records
>    self.time = time
> but there are a few options here depending on what you're doing.

I like that way!  Nicely coupled to the intent.

-- M
When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles,
scream and shout. -- 1920's parody of the
maritime general prudential rule

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