> This is mostly to Brice, but I figure others are interested.
>> We've been looking at what it will take to get the network device support
>> prototype as implemented by Brice into core, along with the fact that we'll
>> be producing the RC1 for statler on April 13, and I don't think it will make
>> this cut, based on our existing resources.
>> So, I'd like to work to get it extracted into a module, so it can be more
>> easily tested and such between now and the next feature release (which,
>> given our announcement of timed releases, will be mid-October).  One of my
>> goals in this process would be to make sure that we got any changes into
>> core that are necessary for this module to function.
>> Does this seem like an acceptable compromise in the short term?
> On the face of it, it seems very reasonable to me.  Do we have a rough idea
> what the changes that will be needed to core are?
> I *believe* the answer is none, but I haven't confirmed that.

Well, that at least matches the list that I came up with off the top of my
head.  :)


-- M
When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles,
scream and shout. -- 1920's parody of the
maritime general prudential rule

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