On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 07:32:49PM -0700, Nigel Kersten wrote:
>   Unless you happened to have members added to a group in exactly the
> same order as they appear in your puppet manifests, Puppet considered
> the 'is' and 'should' values to be out of sync due to ordering differences
> between the arrays.
>   The fix came in two small parts.
>   a) Make the DirectoryService provider sort membership when querying 'is'
>   b) Make insync? of property sort collected values if a given property
>      is set to :array_matching_all

So the sorting is performed whenever I use :array_matching => all.
What if I'm writing a type and have a property that takes an array
and do care about the order?

I havent looked at the code but wouln't it be possible to use
Puppet::Property::List for the member property? Like the group
property in the user type. This property class than should do the
sorting for us (and I think we can drop the change_to_s override in the
member property too)


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