On 2013-28-08 16:27, Trevor Vaughan wrote:
Ack...I'm going to vote for keeping the autoloader.

Though it may be more inefficient, it is quite useful.

I have noticed that it seems to want to try to load *everything* though.
Restricting that to just .pp files where they are expected, loading ruby
files where they are expected, and ignoring anything that looks hidden
(.) or tempfiled (~) would be nice. This may have been fixed in 3.X, but
I know it causes me grief once in a while with the 2.X series.

Perhaps a Java-style middle ground?

1. Autoloading changes to work with declared load spaces first but can
be enabled to use global autoloading in your module path.

   # New Loading Style (default)
   autoloading = explicit

   # Current Loading Style
   autoloading = auto

2. Manifests can now use a more explicit syntax.

   # Autoload all materials under the default module path for the given
   # This example loads the stdlib....
   load 'stdlib'

   # Autoload a distinct path outside of the module path
   # You can, of course, do this on a site-wide basis now, but it would
be nice to have the flexibility to do it on a module basis.
   load '/opt/great_stuff/foo'

   # Load a specific file
   load '/opt/good_stuff/bar.pp'

   # What about custom functions, facts, and types?
   # Not sure about this....
   load '/opt/stuff/baz/lib'

I'm not entirely convinced that this is better than what we have now,
but it's certainly more flexible.

I'm also not 100% sold on the performance gains since I think that many
people will simply stick with the autoloader or autoload as much as is
convenient. I'm saying this due to the amount of Java/Ruby code that
I've seen that simply load the top level classpath and don't bother
picking and choosing exactly what sub-classes to load for efficiency.

You would have to figure out how to work this with an ENC as well.


Java import is a symbolic name import only. It is simply there to inform the loader how to resolve a short name to a fully qualified name. The search is then made using a class loader hierarchy.

Also see my other post with a proposal.
Will read your proposal more detailed as well...

- henrik

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