On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 12:59 PM, John Bollinger

> On Monday, October 28, 2013 11:54:25 AM UTC-5, Rob Reynolds wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 8:42 AM, jcbollinger <john.bo...@stjude.org>wrote:
>>> On Monday, October 28, 2013 2:55:32 AM UTC-5, Klavs Klavsen wrote:
>>>> Den fredag den 25. oktober 2013 22.10.40 UTC+2 skrev Rob Reynolds:
>>> [...]
>>>> The format could look something like the following:
>>>>> acl { 'c:/windows/temp/tempfile.txt'****:
>>>>>   ensure => present,
>>>>>   permissions => {
>>>>>     'Administrators' => ['full']
>>>>>     'bob' => ['mwrx'],
>>>>>     'SomeDomain\Lisa' => [x10000000,'allow','inherit','****one_level'],
>>>>>     'S-5-1-18' => ['wrx','deny','inherit_**objects**_only','inherit_only']
>>>>>   },
>>>>> }
>>>>> acl { 'c:/windows/temp/locked_dir':
>>>>>   ensure => exact,
>>>> That one throws me.. ensure exact? I would expect 'exact' to be the
>>>> same as 'present' (which in thise case is kinda odd wording- but so is
>>>> exact.. who would want puppet to "almost" ensure something?
>>> I think Klavs has an excellent point there.  After some consideration, I
>>> think I understand what 'exact' is supposed to mean -- that the ACL should
>>> contain the specified entries *and no others* -- but the perceived need
>>> for such a thing suggests that the proposed model is too high level.
>>> Instead of wrapping everything up into a single Acl resource type, I think
>>> you need a resource type for individual ACEs.  That would also allow you to
>>> ensure some specific entries present in and some others absent from the
>>> same ACL, without requiring that all wanted entries be enumerated.  A model
>>> inspired by the Concat module might be suitable.
>> Yes, this is indeed the area I was talking about that is needing more
>> discussion.
>> Splitting to a resource type for individual ACEs might be beneficial, but
>> it also might be too verbose. For an absent ACE, I was considering `'bob'
>> => []`.
> But I think you need to do it.  Individual ACEs are for the most part what
> users want to manage.  In fact, consider that every file on an NTFS file
> system has an ACL no matter what.

Not completely true. It can have a NULL ACL which grants permission to

> How then do the standard ensure => 'present' and ensure => 'absent' even
> make sense for a resource type modeling the Acl itself?  Puppet can neither
> remove file ACLs nor create them; it can only manipulate them.  What you
> are ensuring absent or present are individual ACEs, so the model should
> attach the 'ensure' parameter to individual ACEs.

I'm not convinced ACEs should be separate resources, because they don't
exist outside of an ACL. For example, consider properties that extend
Puppet::Property::List, like the `groups` property for the `user` resource.
You specify either the complete or minimum list of groups the user should
belong to, as opposed to specifying each user's group and whether the user
should be present/absent from the group.

> Moreover, if ACEs are separate resources then they can be decentralized.
> Suppose, for instance, that a module managing some application needs to
> create a local user and grant that user permissions to access some system
> directory.  All is good if it can just drop an appropriate ACE in place,
> but it's an awful mess if the module needs to manage a whole ACL of a
> directory that doesn't belong to it.  Especially so when you consider that
> no resource can be declared more than once.
>> The actual idea on ensure present versus exact (versus the other values)
>> and Windows is that there are some inherited ACEs. When you specify
>> permissions, you are specifying explicit ACEs and not inherited ACEs.
> So that's a little different than I thought, which you can construe as a
> clarity / intuitiveness problem if you wish to do so.
>> Would you always want to specify 'SYSTEM' and 'Administrators' in every
>> acl or would that get old having to specify for items that are already
>> going to be inherited?
> No, I think the usual Puppet paradigm should apply: you specify only those
> resources and properties you want to manage, and Puppet leaves everything
> else alone.
> This does highlight the possibility, though, that in addition to a
> resource type modeling ACEs, it may make sense to have a resource type
> modeling overall ACLs, too.  You could hang control of ACE inheritance
> there, and perhaps there are other properties to manage that apply to ACLs
> overall.

Yes, the order of ACEs needs to be specified, and is one reason why
permissions cannot be modeled solely using ACEs.

>> Are there other permissions that may already be there that you don't want
>> to manage? That's really where the difference between present and exact
>> came about.
> Are you prepared to assume that there are not?  I think that would be
> unwise.
>> In a way of saying, I want to manage this particular set of permissions,
>> plus any that are already inherited (idea of present).
>> If you don't want to have inherited permissions on a particular ACL,
>> that's where exact would come in.
>>> Note too that in the Puppet universe, a parameter or value indicating
>>> that unmanaged resources should be removed is conventionally spelled
>>> "purge" or "purged".
>> I think I understand, but let me see if I have this correctly:
>> acl { 'c:/windows/temp/locked_dir':
>>   ensure => purge,
>>   permissions => {
>>     'Administrators' => ['full']
>>   },
>> }
> I think purging is something to consider, but now that I better understand
> the intention of 'exact', I think the two are separate.  Neither should be
> overloaded onto the ensure parameter, however.  Drawing on the File type as
> an exemplar of a container resource, I think this would be better:
> acl { 'c:/windows/temp/locked_dir':
>   inherit => false,
>   purge => true
> }
> That says that the ACL for the specified file should not inherit ACEs from
> its parent's ACL, and that any unmanaged ACEs specified directly in it
> should be purged.  If no ACE resources are declared for the file then it
> will end up with no inherited ACEs and no ACEs of its own, either.  All
> four combinations of boolean 'inherit' and 'purge' values are potentially
> sensible.  Or actually there are six combinations, because if the 'inherit'
> parameter is not declared at all then Puppet should not modify ACL
> inheritance, thus that constitutes a separate value.
> >> Additionally, although POSIX ACEs are unordered, it is my understanding
> that the order of ACEs within a Windows ACL is significant.  If that is
> indeed correct then I don't see how the proposed model accounts for it.
>> Yes, you are correct. We're talking about this and whether the module
>> should reorder appropriately for the order in some cases. We've talked
>> about an array instead of a hash for ACEs.
> The needed order is whatever the user says it is, so for the module to
> "reorder appropriately", it has to offer some means for the user to declare
> that order.
> So, an array then.  But an array of what, exactly?  Your hash values are
> already arrays themselves -- whose meanings are largely opaque to me, by
> the way -- so will you now have an array of arrays?  An array of hashes
> would be more self-documentary, but wait: those inner hashes now bear a
> strong resemblance to resource declarations.  Why was it, again, that you
> didn't want a separate resource type for ACEs?
> Note, too, that whatever ordering mechanism you choose, you'll still have
> to decide how to deal with ordering relative to unmanaged ACEs.  Probably
> there's some room there for a smart implementation to figure something out,
> but there still ought to be a mechanism for the user to exert influence
> here.

Good point. Windows has a preferred ordering for inherited vs non, and
allow vs deny ACEs, and we will need to take unmanaged ACEs into account.

Josh Cooper
Developer, Puppet Labs

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