Sorry for the double post, but I just remembered the new way of doing if
defined(). A function was added to stdlib called ensure_resource

Looking at it, and how it is used, it's just another if defined().


On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Trevor Vaughan <>wrote:

> One of the things that was proposed in the past was allowing different
> modules to declare the same resource iff it was declared identically in all
> cases.
> It was shot down as promoting bad practices but so was if defined() and
> the fact is that we *need* that because I can't have service { 'foo':
> ensure => running } in two modules.
> Yes, of course the correct way to do things is to abstract out each
> portion that is not on your critical path and have parameters that allow
> you to selectively manage it thereby alleviating the issues with if
> defined(), etc...
> But, everyone has jobs to do and may not be able to spend much time
> refactoring for other users.
> I *do* think that all Puppet Labs sponsored/approved modules should allow
> for the following to be selectively managed/included by a module at a
> minimum:
> * Firewall
> * PAM
> * Service
> * Web
> In general, I've found that if you make these optional, you stand a pretty
> good chance of staying out of people's way and letting them manage those
> portions their way while still taking advantage of your module.
> All that said, I still want to be able to declare multiple identical
> resources and have it "just work".
> Trevor
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 6:16 AM, Daniele Sluijters <
>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> As I was browsing through a few modules on the Forge I noticed that more
>> and more people seem to have taken to the `if ! defined(Package['name'])
>> {}` to ensure their module doesn't cause a duplicate resource declaration
>> with another module, third party or your own, that is also managing that
>> package.
>> From a purist perception this should never happen in the first place as
>> there are suddenly two modules declaring the same resource. Unfortunately
>> this is often what it comes down to when you pull in a few modules from the
>> Forge or Github, especially with things like build-essential that a
>> multitude of different things might need. In turn this makes using
>> third-party modules more difficult because they might introduce issues like
>> these that, especially for newcomers to the platform, are troublesome to
>> fix.
>> I was hoping we could devise a solution, at least for package resources,
>> that would allow multiple declarations of the package and have those
>> declarations resolve themselves. I'm specifically focussing on package
>> here because that's the most common source of trouble, things like an
>> rbenv, rvm and pyenv module all declaring that they need 'build-essential'.
>> My initial thought was that a package could have two states, hard and
>> soft where a state => hard, definition of a package would always trump any
>> other definitions of a package in a soft state. The question then becomes,
>> how do you deal with multiple soft states of the same package which
>> basically boils down to you can't have multiple declarations of the same
>> thing, so we're back to square one.
>> My other thought was that perhaps it should be possible to `require =>
>> Package['name']` from any resource and if that resource isn't declared in
>> the catalog spawn the resource ourselves but if it is defined that
>> declaration is used. I'm not sure how we could deal with scenario's where
>> someone requires said package but we explicitly define it as absent in our
>> manifests.
>> Please spare me the "they're being wrong on the internet" speech, I'm
>> well aware of it but the truth of the matter is you'll never be able to
>> coordinate the community in such a way that this issue doesn't pop up. I'm
>> not really concerned about experienced Puppet users/developers that can
>> solve this for themselves, more about the less developer oriented operator
>> that has to use Puppet for whatever reason. Another approach would be to
>> really curate the modules up on the Forge but I doubt anyone feels like
>> doing that or has the time for it.
>> I'm not sure if it's even desirable or possible to solve this issue in
>> the first place but I was curious if anyone has given any more thought to
>> this?
>> --
>> Daniele Sluijters
>> --
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> --
> Trevor Vaughan
> Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
> (410) 541-6699
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Trevor Vaughan
Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
(410) 541-6699

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