
Adrien, Andy, Charlie, Dominic Cleal, Josh C, Peter, Rob, Joshua P

>From last week:


2276: Remove debian as provider for ubuntu. No response from contributor,
we will fix ourselves. - Finch to grab this week

2247: Purging ssh keys. Still want to do this for 3.6 - Andy merged,
Charlie to do FR

2067: zypper, pushed to 3.6 - Peter is looking into this, seeking a SLES12
box from release

2342: Cron user/target properties. Good to go, needs one spec test fix then
Charlie to merge in. New ticket for long-term solution. - Charlie still to

2388 -> now 2414: yum install_options: Still waiting for contributor --
contributor closed, but there is still a ticket in Jira, and an updated PR

2414 -> JoshC is going to review for merge

2387: yum lock: concerns about leaving the db open. Finch to ask for a
reproduction case. -- Dominic Cleal is going to comment on this, not
mergeable as is

2385: Charlie to merging -- Charlie will merge

2383: suse chkconfig behavior. No tests or ticket, Adrien to comment with
some questions. -- Peter is taking this as well

2378: factoring tar to work more x-platform. Adrien to find out about gzip
and help with specs -- Andy is merging

2366: pkgdmg errors on eject due to (at least) spotlight. Needs a ticket.
Moses: just do the eject (the temp copy is another way to fail). Adrien to
add comments. -- still waiting to hear back

2349: 80000 certs - wow! Looks reasonable. Peter H to take a look at it. --
Peter already merged

2346: Add 2.1.0 to travis. Peter H to squash, fix the message, and
merge.-- Peter already merged

2327: Consensus reached! We'll pull it in for 3.6 -- Charlie to pull in

2331: Pull in for 3.6.0 -- defering to next week

2322: Seems like a safe performance fix. Josh to merge it in -- was merged
last week

2319: Charlie to retarget at master and merge if tests are all okay. -- was
merged last week

2311: We'd like to try this out and see if there's a better way to handle
there not being any provider. -- Joshua will take this

2304: Why isn't it merged yet? Finch to merge -- was merged

2410: Andy to fix up commit message and merge in. -- was merged

2112: Finch to fix up and merge in. -- Finch still to do

2403: Peter will try it out on an arch box once he gets home, merge if
good.-- merged last week

2309: Would rather see held stay as ensure and a version parameter pulled
out. Finch to add comment -- Adrien will start a puppet-dev conversation

2119: Andy contacted moses. He is looking over it now. -- Moses indicated
could not work as is, closing



2415: Dominic to rework using Puppet::Util::RubyGems

2425: Charlie to tag commmit with maint and then merge

2397: There is an issue that binread produces ASCII-8BIT -- Josh is
closing, need a new method that respects line endings without changing the

2422: Peter will merge in

2429: Peter Souter to fix specs


555: closing, hasn't seen any updates

559: Adrien is going to convert to a structured fact for 2.1

566: Passing over for next week, Adrien may need to change it

580: Skipping over for next week

594: JoshC will comment on regex used for major release, waiting to hear

595: Blocked on us backporting GCE facts to Facter-2 branch, also there's a
sudo call in one of the execs, may need to confine to root, Adrien will
touch base with Alex on this

608: Needs commit message updated to include ticket number - Adrien

609: Josh C is updating

610: Adrien to pull into stable

617: replaced by 642 and Adrien will follow up with Moses

Adrien Thebo | Puppet Labs

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