On Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:12:31 PM UTC-5, Andy Parker wrote:
> Adrien has put together a change to address PUP-1106 (failed dependencies 
> are not honored on refresh), however this is a really thorny issue and I'd 
> like to get some more eyes on it before committing to the change.
> I think the original bug in redmine has the most history (
> http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/5876) and unfortunately it doesn't 
> look like there was a clear decision about what the correct behavior is. I 
> think John's description of the semantics are pretty good, but I find it a 
> little hard to unravel it into what needs to change.
> Adrien's solution is to make it so that a resource *does not process 
> refresh events* when it is being skipped. Skipping can happen because of 
> failed dependencies or because the resource isn't scheduled. I'm going to 
> keep looking over it and will try it out some, but I think others should 
> kick these tires a bit as well.

Referring back to my comments on Redmine 5876, it sounds like that 
corresponds to ensuring that this expectation holds:

> *(4) a resource that is not synchronized cannot be refreshed, regardless 
of what resource notifies it or to what other resource it may be 
subscribed. *

I hadn't considered reasons for skipping synchronization other than failure 
of dependencies, but I absolutely agree that resources skipped for any 
reason should not refresh.  But what about resources that themselves fail?  
Such resources also should not refresh.  Does that already work, and/or is 
it addressed by Adrien's patch?

Further question: an Exec that is considered in sync because of its 
'creates', 'onlyif', and/or 'unless' parameter should not also be 
considered skipped.  Is it necessary or appropriate for such a resource to 
avoid refreshing, too?  Moreover, is it necessary or appropriate for the 
provider to evaluate those parameters (again) at refresh time?

Additionally, there are some other behaviors around signaling and syncing 
that are discussed in the commentary on Redmine 5876, but that go a bit 
beyond the reported buggy behavior.  These don't necessarily  have to be 
addressed to close the issue, but if the commentary seems valuable then I 
hope it can be put somewhere less likely to be lost upon closure of the 
issue.  In particular, I would really like to see this implemented:

> *(6) Execs should not be construed as having the same synchronization and 
refresh actions. Instead, they should be construed as having only one or 
the other.*

Perhaps Execs could retain a possibility to run twice (as they will do now 
if they receive a signal and are not refreshonly), though I have never come 
across an example where that behavior was invoked intentionally.  If this 
is indeed implemented, then I think it would provide direction on the 
question I raised above about the 'creates', 'onlyif', and 'unless' 
parameters: that they should be processed once, to control the (at most 
one) execution of the Exec's command.

There is also the question of the appropriate effect of a resource 
successfully syncing but failing to refresh.  Should that cause dependent 
resources to be skipped?  If not, then should it maybe cause refreshes of 
dependent resources to be skipped (supposing they receive a signal from 
some other resource)?

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