Any docs on the configuration files?

Is there a way to update webserver.conf to run a CA on a different port
and, instead of having 'want' in the client_auth section having something
like 'need' with the CA having 'none' (or something)?

Goal: Run a CA separately from the main daemon using a *single* startup
script. The CA would sign and the Master would trust but the trust would be
required and absolute.



On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 4:00 PM, Josko Plazonic <>

> Hullo,
> On 09/23/2014 12:11 PM, Nate Wolfe wrote:
>> As the version number 0.2.0 should imply, Puppet Server is not production
>> ready (yet), but please
>> do try it out in your favorite sandbox.
> I didn't find so far any feature comparison between puppet server and the
> regular (purely ruby based) puppet master.  I realize that puppet server
> work is far from finished and that it probably loads at least some of the
> puppet's ruby code (I assume, given dependency on having regular puppet
> installed, so maybe that's being relied on heavily? or not?) - but it would
> be useful to have a table/chart comparing 
> features/problems/discrepancies/works/doesn't
> of new code base vs old one.
> Is there some documentation about that somewhere?  Having that information
> would greatly help in deciding when to jump ship and embark on the
> clojure/jruby adventure, production ready or not.
> Thanks,
> JP
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Trevor Vaughan
Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
(410) 541-6699

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