On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Trevor Vaughan <tvaug...@onyxpoint.com>

> Any docs on the configuration files?

Coming this week!  :)  Keep an eye on the repo.

> Is there a way to update webserver.conf to run a CA on a different port
> and, instead of having 'want' in the client_auth section having something
> like 'need' with the CA having 'none' (or something)?

Not yet, but this is one of the major goals of the upcoming work that we
have slated for the new CA service.

> Goal: Run a CA separately from the main daemon using a *single* startup
> script. The CA would sign and the Master would trust but the trust would be
> required and absolute.

Yeah, this should be doable in the not-too-distant future; I presume in
this scenario you'd direct the agents to the CA port via the agent-side
puppet.conf settings?

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