On 10/08/2014 01:23 PM, Trevor Vaughan wrote:
> service { 'my_service': require => Package['mysql']{ :provider => 'gem' } }

How about require => Package<| title == 'mysql' and provider == 'gem' |>

Not that it matters - having two Package[mysql] resources will *never*
be a thing.

If I understand Andy correctly, we might have something like

package { 'mysql-gem': package_name => mysql, provider => gem }

...which is awful I guess. Anyway, relationship targets will not be
jeopardized (that I can see).

> Types of Users: <the usual>, htaccess, htdigest, tomcat, ldap(posix),
> ldap(other), weblogic, mysql, postgres, dovecot, postfix, (pretty much
> you name it....)
> Personally, I don't want all of these smashed into the same high level
> interface.

Hmm, I think I agree (right now...let's see about next week ;-)

But we *do* need a subtyping system then. You wouldn't want to implement
each of those as their own independent thing, would you?


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