On Friday, 20 March 2015 20:54:40 UTC+1, John Bollinger wrote:
> On Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 6:19:19 PM UTC-5, Bostjan Skufca wrote: 
> [...] This is the reason why I came up with the EEL idea. The more I think 
>> about it, the more natural it seems for puppet. Maybe it is just me.
> I'm afraid responses seem to indicate that it's mostly just you.  Perhaps 
> that's because few people manage different dimensions of the same site via 
> different masters, as you do.

Could be.


> In any event, I think you can achieve your objective of relying on a 
> single repository / branch per environment with stock Puppet, like so:
>    - Each master has a *distinct* environment path
>    - Each environment directory contains an environment.conf file that 
>    gives an *absolute* path to a manifest directory located elsewhere.
>    - The manifest directories referenced by your environment 
>    configuration files are arranged however is convenient for you.  Perhaps, 
>    for instance, the actual manifest directories would have paths such as 
>    /etc/puppet/shared-environment/production/puppet1 and 
>    /etc/puppet/shared-environment/production/puppet2, such that you could 
>    do a single git pull per environment, as you want. In fact, you could even 
>    arrange to be able to do a single git pull for all environments at the 
> same 
>    time.
>    - Other bits that you want to share across masters but not between 
>    distinct environments (modules, for instance), could go directly in 
>    /etc/puppet/shared-environment/whatever, referenced, again, by 
>    absolute paths.
> If recording absolute paths in environment.conf files dissatisfies you, 
> then you could use put symlinks in the per-master environment directories 
> to direct relative paths into the shared master environment directory.
> Although that may not be ideal, it would accomplish your main objectives, 
> as I understand them.
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions, much appreciated.


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