
I recently had an issue with epp template within a defined resource type.
Let’s assume the following code snippets:

# modules/test/manifests/init.pp
class test {
  ::test::files { 'test':
    param1 => 'value',

# modules/test/manifests/files.pp
define test::files (
  $param1 = '',
  file { "/tmp/${title}":
    ensure  => file,
    content => epp('test/files.epp'),

# modules/test/templates/files.epp
<%= $param1 %>

The parameter Param1 will not get the data provided within define declaration.

Is this desired behaviour?
Should I open a bug?
Is this a known bug?

When passing the param1 data via hash to epp function, data will get added to 
the template.


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