On 2016-04-02 11:46, Martin Alfke wrote:

On 01 Feb 2016, at 19:15, Henrik Lindberg <henrik.lindb...@cloudsmith.com> 

That is exactly what you should do. An external (file based epp) when called, 
does not get to see variables in the scope from which it was called/used. This 
design is deliberate. Think of the template as a function you are calling, and 
you have to give it its arguments.

In this case the documentation on the website is wrong:

The long example is wrong in that it does not show that arguments must be given in a hash.

The documetation for epp has unfortunately been boiled down to just the bare minimum and the important distinction that variables must be given has been lost in the series of rewrites that were made.

The implementation clearly restricts epp() to only see global scope.

The specification is also clear about scoping: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-specifications/blob/master/language/templates.md#visibility-of-scoped-variables

I filed a documentation ticket.

The example just switches from template() to epp() function.
According to your writing you must pass all parameters to the epp() function.

yes, epp() requires that arguments are given in the call. epp() templates only have access to global variables (i.e. $::osfamily and such).

Contrast this with the inline_epp, which you can think of as a 
lambda/code-block. Here the code block gets to see the variables in scope, 
since it is itself in that scope (part of the same piece of code).

Got it.
To be honest: this is ugly.
I always thought of epp() being a full replacement for template() without the 
scope issue.

The ERB based template() function is for templates in files. The epp() function is also for files. The big difference between them is that all variables used by the template processed by epp() must be given to the function.

The inline_epp() may in the special case, when it does not declare parameters have access to all variables in scope. This was deemed to be harmless as all of the logic is in one place, and there is never a question of reuse. It is also seen as an easy way to transition to inline_epp() from inline_template().

With that, I am not sure I understand your comments. What is it that you think is ugly?

This especially feels bad, when we will have performance improvement for epp in 
the future.

I have not seen tickets with reports of performance problems. How bad is it?

- henrik


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