On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 1:02 PM, R.I.Pienaar <r...@devco.net> wrote:

> Those checks you have in AO are good but the barrier to entry is quite
> high on
> making those I felt

Understood, and not trying to argue, but because I am curious:  what's the
barrier to entry that keeps you from using that mechanism ? Not sure if you
know, but you can use service resources without writing out full
applications or an environment catalog, i.e. you can do stuff like

define db { ... }
Db produces Sql { .. }

define web { ... }

node db_node {
  db { one: export => Sql[one] }

node web_node {
  web { one: require => Sql[one] }

which does little more than putting that sql into web_node's catalog, which
would then trigger running the check as a gate for applying web.

Sensu/Nagios can then fish the Sql out of both db_node's and web_node's
catalog and do their own checking.

I am mostly curious about the barrier to entry to see if there is anything
we can do to lower it.


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