> On Feb 27, 2017, at 9:59 AM, David Schmitt <david.schm...@puppet.com> wrote:
> Commands
> To use CLI commands in a safe and comfortable manner, the implementation can 
> use the commands method to access shell commands. You can either use a full 
> path, or a bare command name. In the latter case puppet will use the system 
> PATH setting to search for the command. If the commands are not available, an 
> error will be raised and the resources will fail in this run. The commands 
> are aware of whether noop is in effect or not, and will skip the actual 
> execution if necessary. 
> Puppet::ResourceImplementation.register('apt_key') do
>   commands apt_key: '/usr/bin/apt-key'
>   commands gpg: 'gpg'
> This will create methods called apt_get, and gpg, which will take CLI 
> arguments without any escaping, and run them in a safe environment (clean 
> working directory, clean environment). For example to call apt-key to delete 
> a specific key by id:
If the goal here is safe execution shouldn’t it escape at least shell special 
characters? My concern is based on some of the providers I work on which take 
free form strings as arguments and any type that doesn’t fully validate or 
munge inputs. 

There is a risk that any provider* today can suffer from shell command 
injection. It seems that using shelljoin on the argument array would be useful 
or shellesacpe on each element. However, for a simplified API it seems that it 
could be done more centrally here instead of pushing it to each implementation 
to make sure it is done if needed.

* That can’t exclude shell characters and doesn’t munge input to escape them. 

> apt_key 'del', key_id
> By default the stdout of the command is logged to debug, while the stderr is 
> logged to warning. To access the stdout in the implementation, use the 
> command name with _lines appended, and process it through the returned 
> Enumerable <http://ruby-doc.org/core/Enumerable.html> line-by-line. For 
> example, to process the list of all apt keys:

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