On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 7:42 PM, Trevor Vaughan <tvaug...@onyxpoint.com>

> I would ask that you only vendor items that are super generic and that you
> namespace them such that they won't interfere with people already written
> codebases.

For modules that were previously in core puppet, we are plan on appending
"_core" to the module name to avoid conflicts with already written modules
of the same name. For example, this might happen if you have a "manifest"
module with the same name as a "T&P" module. But I understand your concern
with things like sudo, which have never been vendored before.

> The following seem relatively safe since they've been in use for quite
> some time:
>    - stdlib
>    - archive (maybe)
>    - inifile
>    - powershell (maybe)
> However, there are a LOT of sudo, etc... implementations which mean that
> you're going to pretty much break everyone's environments out of the box
> and cause a great number of headaches.

Can you be specific about how this would break everyone? Is it that you
can't install a module with the same name as a module that is already
installed? Or are you concerned the vendored module will be visible in the
search path and conflict with another version?

> Furthermore, what happens when I want the next version of 'stdlib' with
> the new shiny but you've baked in a version that now makes me work around
> everything?

One of the primary goals is if you express an explicit dependency on
stdlib, e.g. in your Puppetfile

    mod 'puppetlabs-stdlib', '4.25.1'

then that version should always be used no matter what version might be
vendored. This is true for both puppet apply and puppet server/agent

> If you want a 'new user pack', make it just that, an extra package that I
> can install that will drop a bunch of vendored modules somewhere and
> provide me with instructions on setting it up.
> I do not feel that putting this in 'puppet-agent' itself is a good idea
> *at all*, particularly considering that we still can't build puppet-agent
> from source to override any shenanigans that may arise from these good
> intentions.
> Thanks,
> Trevor
> On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 5:49 PM, Josh Cooper <j...@puppet.com> wrote:
>> Some people raised concerns about vendoring modules in the puppet-agent
>> package[1]. I wanted to provide some more context about the "why", and some
>> refinements to the "how".
>> First, new users should be able to download the puppet-agent package and
>> manage basic resources for the platform they're running on. We don't want
>> users to download an engine and be forced to assemble a car. Commonly used
>> modules like stdlib, archive, sudo, inifile, powershell, etc should be part
>> of the initial experience.
>> On the other hand, advanced puppet users don't want vendored modules
>> conflicting with modules they're already managing using r10k,
>> librarian-puppet, etc. Another way to think about it is, if you're going
>> through the trouble of specifying your dependencies in a Puppetfile, then
>> you want the same results no matter which puppet-agent version you're
>> using. If you start to rely on vendored module magic to satisfy
>> dependencies, then failures will happen as the puppet-agent package is
>> updated over time.
>> It's also important to consider serverless vs server-based deployments.
>> When running serverless puppet (apply, resource, describe, etc), modules
>> only need to be installed on the local system. However, for server-based
>> puppet, modules need to be installed on the server and downloaded to the
>> agent. In this scenario, an agent's vendored modules are not useful.
>> We also can't assume that vendored modules on the server are applicable
>> to the agents you're trying to manage. For example, you may have a RHEL
>> server, but Windows, OSX, etc agents.
>> So we have different constraints for new users vs advanced users, and
>> serverless vs server-based deployments. Is there a solution that makes
>> Puppet more accessible for new users while not getting in the way for
>> advanced users?
>> I'm proposing we add the vendored modules directory to the basemodulepath
>> with the least precedence. So on *nix, basemodulepath would default to:
>>     /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules:
>> /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/vendor_modules
>> On Windows, we'd do something similar by appending $installdir\Puppet
>> Labs\Puppet\puppet\vendor_modules to the basemodulepath. Note the exact
>> location depends on the installation directory, typically C:\Program Files.
>> For serverless puppet, e.g. puppet apply, we would only load modules from
>> the vendored directory as a last resort. This way if you `puppet module
>> install puppetlabs-stdlib` you'd always use that version no matter what
>> version is vendored in the puppet-agent package.
>> With server-based puppet, the server would also only load from the
>> vendored directory as a last resort. That way if you installed the module
>> following the roles and profiles pattern, and set your per-environment:
>>     modulepath=site:modules:$basemodulepath
>> Then the server would always prefer the per-environment module over the
>> vendored one.
>> The server's compiler and fileserver would resolve modules the same way,
>> since they both call Puppet::Node::Environment#modules. This is
>> important so that agents always pluginsync the same version of the type
>> (and its provider) as was used during compilation. And the agent would need
>> to always prefer its pluginsync libdir over any modules that may be locally
>> installed (vendored or otherwise).
>> Finally, if you really don't want to use vendored modules, then you can
>> override basemodulepath, omitting the "vendored_modules" directory, and
>> everything will work as it did before.
>> Josh
>> [1] https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-specifications/pull/106
>> On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 10:14 AM, Josh Cooper <j...@puppet.com> wrote:
>>> We've been talking about moving non-core types and providers out of the
>>> puppet repo for many years[1], and we are going to make every effort to
>>> make that happen for Puppet 6, finally! I've written up a proposal in the
>>> form of a PR to the puppet-specifications repo[2]. Please take a look and
>>> comment on the PR.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Josh
>>> [1] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/puppet-dev/4y9ZvbbkKBs/z1KdGGQyGWkJ
>>> [2] https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-specifications/pull/106
>> --
>> Josh Cooper | Software Engineer
>> j...@puppet.com | @coopjn
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> Trevor Vaughan
> Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
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Josh Cooper | Software Engineer
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