We sort of do this we set a global $password in our site.pp.  That
$password is an MD5 string.  My environment is currently all Linux.

Then, in our base module we have:

exec {
    path => "/usr/sbin:/sbin"
    command => "/bin/echo root:$password | /usr/sbin/chpasswd -e"

It's obviously not very portable but eh.


On Wed, 2009-05-06 at 09:24 -0500, Evan Hisey wrote:
> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 2:51 AM, 骡骡 <ken.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > in 1st day of each month , change passwd of root.
> >
> > # vi /etc/puppet/modules/user/manifests/init.pp
> >
> > class user {
> >        exec { "rootpw":
> >                command => "/usr/sbin/usermod -p $rootpw root",
> >                onlyif => "/usr/bin/test `/bin/date -d now +%d` = '01'",
> >        }
> > }
> >
> > # vi  /etc/puppet/manifests/templates.pp
> > import user
> > node basenode {
> >        $rootpw = "Vale.com-init"
> >        include user
> > }
> >
> >
> >
> This just looks like a bad way to handle things. Given that you are
> going to manually set the password for puppet to use any way why not
> use something like this: <Warning this has not been tested>
> class update_pw{
>      user{"root":
>            ensure => present,
>            password => generate("/opt/new_passwd.sh"),
>     }
> On the server /opt/new_passwd.sh would look like this:
> #!/bin/bash
> passwd=foobar
> openssl passwd -crypt $passwd
> This method should provide solutions to several problems with the
> initial approach. You know have the password out of the manifests and
> only have to secure one file. It will be handled by puppet as an
> encrypted password so it will go over the wire encrypted. It will now
> only change the password if the password parsed by the generate
> command changes.
> Evan
> > 

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