Junhao schrieb:
> Greg wrote:
>> Only way I know is to make individual objects depend on other objects.
>> Can't do it at
>> class level... I think there is a feature request somewhere in the
>> system for this, because
>> I'd like it as well...
>> Greg
>> On May 27, 9:56 pm, philipp Hanselmann <philipp.hanselm...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> May somebody has answer ...
>>> How can I ensure that certain classes get executed on the client side
>>> before the other ones do?
>>> Have a look on the example:
>>>      class AA
>>>         case  $operatingsystem {
>>>                  "redhat": { include AA::do-first }
>>>                     default: {}
>>>             }
>>>           include AA::software
>>>           include AA::desktop
>>>      }
>>>     class AA::do-first {
>>>         # do an rhn_register
>>>         exec { "register-system":
>>>             command => "rm -f /etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid ; rhnreg_ks
>>>     --force --serverUrl=https://$rhn_server/XMLRPC
>>>     --sslCACert=/usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT
>>>     --activationkey=$activation_key",
>>>             logoutput => true,
>>>             unless => "/usr/sbin/rhn_check",
>>>             tag => register-system,
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>>     class AA::software {
>>>         # do someting after AA::do-first
>>>     }
>>>     class AA::desktop {
>>>         # do something after AA::do-first
>>>     }
>>> For an Redhat system the resource(s) in AA::do-first should run before
>>> the resource(s) in AA::software  & AA::desktop.
>>> Is their an simple way for that?
>>> An other wish would be: If Exec "register-system" fails, puppet should
>>> stop his execution without do go through the class AA::software &
>>> AA::desktop.
>>> Thanks for the help!
>>> Philipp
> What about:
> module AA:
> class AA {}
> class AA::do-first {
> }
> class AA::software inherits AA::do-first {}
> class AA::desktop inherits AA::do-first {}
> node foo:
> node foo {
>  import "AA"
>  include AA::desktop
> }
> Junhao
Hi Janhao

Even this works, I had issues with the scope of my global defined 
variables, so I decided to replace all my inherits code trough 
include(s). Since than puppet handle my variables like expected.

So not really willing to go back.
I must commit up to date I couldn't understand the advances of using 
class inheritance comparing to include statements ...

    class master {
        # do something
    class slave inherits master {
        # do something


    class master {
           # do something
    class slave {
        include master
        # do something

What are differences execpt to get issues with the variable scope in 
inheritanced classes?


> >

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