
> "Use double-quotes around node names"  I would say using single quotes
> is better since the Puppet language does not try to parse it for
> variables.  I have not done any tests in Puppet of single over double
> quotes but have seen other interpreted languages recommend single
> quote first over double for performance reasons.

so do I, but maybe another flamewar? ;) But I never thought about the  
performance issue, might be a reasonable argument.

> At least for me I tend to make Puppet modules very atomic.  Meaning
> many smaller modules/classes than one large monolithic module.  ie you
> want to manage ssh.  Perhaps break it up into a client and server
> class, but one module.


> For multi-platform support I've found the best way to support it is
> via case statements at the high level
> class openssh {
>      case $operatingsystem {
>          centos, redhat: { include openssh::redhat }
>          debian, ubuntu: { include openssh::debian }
>          default: { fail("${title} is not defined for operating system
> ${operatingsystem}.") }
>      }
> }
> Any common steps can be included in the class or broken out into a
> openssh::base class

so do I! so +1

> In some cases you not only want to install the application, but they
> are situations to remove it (in my case had a need to ensure the
> package is removed for security)  I use the naming convention
> cups::disable  -  To install but disable service (primarily for
> dependancy with other packages)
> cups::remove  - To make sure the package and service are not running


> Inheritance is great for creating a generic module and creating a site
> module for your specific needs (In my case we have a generic proftpd
> but then have a site specific for custom DirectAdmin (a hosting
> control panel) configurations )


> Teyo's recommends two module folders, one dist and another site.  site
> folder containing modules specific to your install.

good idea! Currently I have all site specific stuff in one big module,  
but like that I might be able to organize it again in modules per each  
site specific module adaptions. Question: Is autoloading looking in  
both module directories? so if it's not found in the module in one  
module directory it's still looking in the other one? I assume so, but  
as I haven't used it yet I better ask... ;)

cheers pete

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