I'm getting:

debug: //Node[oh-www1.lojban.org]/jbovlaste/Tidy[/var/backups/jbovlaste]: 
Skipping automatic relationship to 

on many/most of my Tidy commands.

What does that mean?  I don't see anything in the mailing list about
it.  It's definitely not deleting those files.

It was running as root.

oh-www1% sudo ls -l /var/backups/jbovlaste/dump.2009Mar30.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2866502 2009-03-30 18:21 

The tidy is:

    tidy { "/var/backups/jbovlaste/":
        age => "21d",
        recurse => inf,


They say:  "The first AIs will be built by the military as weapons."
And I'm  thinking:  "Does it even occur to you to try for something
other  than  the default  outcome?"  See http://shrunklink.com/cdiz
http://www.digitalkingdom.org/~rlpowell/ *** http://www.lojban.org/

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