On Sep 6, 2009, at 7:42 PM, Tim Uckun wrote:

>> As long as you are on a recent version there is an 'err' tag, which  
>> you
>> can use in conjunction with tagmail to mail you any  errors. I send  
>> mine
>> to a distribution group that ends up going to my team mates.
> I am trying to implement this but I am not getting any logging or
> reporting at all. I do get emails if I put all: tag in the
> tagmail.conf but no emails when I put in err: tag in the file (I force
> an error).
> Here is my configuration on the puppetmaster
> [main]
> confdir=/usr/local/home/tim/puppet/etc
> ssldir=/etc/puppet/ssl
> vardir=/var/puppet
> [puppetmasterd]
> storeconfigs=true
> reports = tagmail,store,log
> tagmap=/etc/puppet/tagmail.conf
> smtpserver=some.smtp.server
> I also run puppetmaster like this (just to be sure)
> puppetmasterd --no-daemonize --verbose --debug --reports  
> tagmail,store,log
> This is what tagmail.conf looks like
> #all: timuc...@gmail.com  #this works
> err: timuc...@gmail.com   #this doesn't work if I force an error.
> This is what the client puppet.conf looks like
> [main]
> logdir=/var/log/puppet
> vardir=/var/lib/puppet
> ssldir=/var/lib/puppet/ssl
> rundir=/var/run/puppet
> factpath=$vardir/lib/facter
> #pluginsync=true
> [puppetd]
> report=true
> This is how I run the client (just to make sure)
> puppetd --server my.server.com  --no-daemonize --logdest console
> --verbose  --onetime  --debug  --test --trace --report
> No reports get generated. There is nothing int he /var/puppet/reports
> directory. No indications of anything going wrong  in the log files.
> Nothing anywhere telling me what the problem might be.
> For me this has been the biggest problem with puppet. Complete silent
> failure.  I have followed the documentation carefully, there is no
> indication of why it failed even with full debugging on and logging to
> the console.

We just caught this problem of not being able to use the log level as  
a tag, and I think it got fixed around 0.24.8, so that might be the  
issue if you're running a slightly older version.

I'm still a little confused, though -- how do you know you're getting  
an error if you're not getting any error reports anywhere?

I'm worried about Bart. Today, he's sucking people's blood,
tommorrow he might be smoking. -Marge Simpson
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com

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