On Sep 18, 2009, at 18:30 EDT, Disconnect wrote:

> (Wow, hi Luke! LTNT!)

Yes, it has!

> The standard way to do that is:
> source => 
> ["puppet:///foo/file-$hostname","puppet:///foo/file-$lsbdistcodename 
> ","puppet:///foo/file"]
> - check for modules/foo/file-www4, then file-jaunty, then file

As I understood source arrays, would only grab the first one to  
succeed, Type Reference says "If you specify multiple file sources for  
a file, then the first source that exists will be used.".    Is that  
page out of date?


> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 4:37 PM, Luke Schierer <luke.schie...@gmail.com 
> > wrote:
>> I am looking at migrating a set of servers from cfengine management  
>> to
>> puppet management.  For the most part, the move has been relatively  
>> straight
>> forward, and I am pleased with the way that puppet's modules have  
>> made some
>> of the things I did in cfengine2 much cleaner.  There is one thing  
>> though
>> that was relatively easy in cfengine that I am not seeing a good  
>> way to
>> achieve with puppet.
>> In cfengine I defined a variable serverlist that was essentially an  
>> array of
>> hostnames. I then had the following copy block
>> copy:
>>  somehost::
>>    /path/to/file/that/updates/nightly
>>      server=${serverlist}
>>      dest=/var/www/repository/${this}
>>      mode=644 owner=apache group=wheel
>> which caused the one host in the class somehost to copy the file  
>> from each
>> server in the array serverlist to the repository.
>> The closest I see in puppet would be to list each server source as a
>> different file entry in a class.
>> Something like (psuedo code)
>> class pullfile {
>>   File { ensure => file, owner => apache, group => wheel, mode =>  
>> 644, }
>>   file {
>>     host1: source => "puppet://host1/path/to/file" path =>
>> "/var/www/repository/host1";
>>     host2: source => "puppet://host2/path/to/file" path =>
>> "/var/www/repository/host2";
>>    }
>>  }
>> and have puppetmaster on each host.
>> Is there a better way?
>> Thanks!
>> Luke
> >

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