On Oct 20, 2009, at 3:00 PM, Andrew S wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've just started deploying a puppet infrastructure, and have run
> across what I'm sure is a common problem - third party software that
> does not use the systems package manager, instead using their own
> script/binary blob/etc.  Now my environment doesn't have any NFS at
> present (and I'm loath to add it for just this one purpose), and
> though I could wget the file and checksum it I'd prefer to manage all
> configuration content through puppet and it's filebuckets.  My first
> cut at doing this was an exec that required a file resource for the
> installer, however this means the install package remains on the
> system.  Is there some method or trick I'm missing here?
> If not, I'm considering writing a provider for package that would
> source the installer from a filebucket and run it, and potentially
> uninstall if the package has that option - problems with this approach
> are of course where you put the installer (and having the space etc),
> being sure that the third party provided installer is idempotent, and
> checking that the software is installed.  Would this be useful, or is
> it foolishness?  It's probably less foolish than my other plan, which
> was to add source to exec. :)
> FWIW the software I'm looking at here is Netbackup, EMC Symcli and the
> HP Proliant support pack.  And potentially others. :/

This is definitely a common problem, but AFAIK there's no real common  

The only real thing I can recommend is either 1) package the software  
yourself (by far the best option) or 2) use a defined type to do a  
wget, install, and rm of the tarball.  Really, if you look at the  
Blastwave pkg-get script, that's pretty much what it does, so you'd be  
walking in the footsteps of giants or whatever.

The world tolerates conceit from those who are successful, but not
from anybody else. -- John Blake
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com

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