Thanks! That sounds like the right way to do it! How to I ensure puppet copies out a new puppet.conf with the changes before evaluating the class that uses 'case "$customfact"'?


-- Greg

Daniel wrote:
Don't distribute your facter plugin via manifest. Use puppet's sync
which is described her:

This will distribute your facter addons at the beginning of your run
and you can use them in like any normal fact.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 10:25 PM, Greg Retkowski <> wrote:
Hello Everyone,
 I have a case where I'm depending on custom facter rules in my puppet
config, and those custom facter rules come from a ruby library that puppet
installs. I need to know how I can ensure that library is installed by
puppet before classes that depend on those facts are evaluated..

To illustrate...

class facter_rules {
 file {
   source => "puppet://$server/dist/custom.rb";

class sitestuff {
 include facter_rules
 case "$customfact" {
  "value-a": {
    # do stuff
  "value-b": {
    # do other stuff

Using this, often class sitestuff gets evaluated before my facter_rules file
copy is done - which results in puppet exiting without putting custom.rb in
place. I'm using puppet vers. 0.24.4.

I've considered using 'before =>' in my facter_rules file definition, but
class 'sitestuff' may be defined or not defined depending on what
services/classes are defined on the host.

Any ideas on how I can get around this chicken and egg problem?


-- Greg

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