Michael DeHaan wrote:
> What if we taught the yum provider to know about "yum groupinstall" ?
> That way you could add packages into comps.xml and reference them
> together, which would also be faster than referencing each one by one.
> While it would not technically be a 'package' this might be also a
> decent workaround solution to the 'yum transactions are not batched'
> problem.
> package {   "stuff"
>      ensure => latest,
>      is_group => true,
>      ...
> }
> Thoughts?

This might be nice for installs, but what happens when someone wants to
remove a group?  Using yum groupremove isn't the inverse of
groupinstall.  This can easily remove far more than users intend,
especially if you don't realize that groupremove isn't the exact
opposite of groupinstall.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Freedom is actually a bigger game than power, power is about what you
can control, freedom is about what you can unleash.
    -- Harriet Ruben

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