On Apr 7, 8:56 am, Seeker <cecil.hypol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, Just wondering, is there a limit on the file size that you can
> transfer with PUPPET.
> Thank you all

As others have mentioned Puppet is pretty inefficient with file
transfers currently. Our rule of thumb limit File resources to less
than a meg. Tens of megs should work fine, but there are the memory
issues currently. Brice Figureau is doing some good work[1] to clean
this area up. He also has a great post on his blog[2] that covers the
subject in some detail.

[1] http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/3373
[2] http://www.masterzen.fr/2010/01/28/puppet-memory-usage-not-a-fatality/

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