On Tuesday 11 May 2010, ext Dick Davies wrote:
> I've been using Puppet very happily for the last 6 months
> or so to manage our CentOS and RHEL servers.
> Over the summer I want to knock things up a notch <bam />,
> and part of that is going to be supporting a wider range of OSes.
> First on the hit list are likely to be Solaris 10 and Suse
> (SLES).
> I know a lot of people do support multiple OSes, just wondered
> what sort of approach you've found works best?

I've been doing it like this, for an example module 
named "baselayout":


    import "*"
    class baselayout {
      case $operatingsystem {
        Darwin:   { include baselayout::mac }
        OpenSuSE: { include baselayout::suse }

    class baselayout::mac {

    class baselayout::suse {

 ... etc.  I've just started, so there could be problems with this I 
haven't hit yet.


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