On May 12, 1:03 am, Rohan McGovern <rohan.mcgov...@nokia.com> wrote:
> I've been doing it like this, for an example module
> named "baselayout":
>  modules/baselayout/manifests/init.pp:
>     import "*"
>     class baselayout {
>       case $operatingsystem {
>         Darwin:   { include baselayout::mac }
>         OpenSuSE: { include baselayout::suse }
>       }
>     }
>  modules/baselayout/manifests/mac.pp:
>     class baselayout::mac {
>        ...
>     }
>  modules/baselayout/manifests/suse.pp:
>     class baselayout::suse {
>        ...
>     }
>  ... etc.  I've just started, so there could be problems with this I
> haven't hit yet.

+1 on this method. I handle it pretty much the same way. The
difference would be using a modulename::base class for all of the
common setup. Depending on the specific child classes they can then
inherit modulename::base or include it. A simple exmaple can be seen
in the Camp to Camp augeas module[1]. In general I try to avoid using
parameter selectors for this type of customization.


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