I am running into a problem with my LDAP puppet setup with this error

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
Could not parse for environment DR: undefined method `to_sym' for ["ENV1",

err: Could not parse for environment DR: undefined method `to_sym' for
["ENV1", "ENV2"]:Array

The "environment" variable is part of the LDAP node definition and in this
case, the node in question belongs to two different environments and so has
two "environment" attribute entries.  The attribute itself is defined as
part of a custom schema I setup for our company. What's confusing is why
this is affecting Puppet at all since this attribute is not at all a part of
the puppet schema definition.  The node here IS defined as an ObjectClass
puppetClient, but the puppet schema (in my case) only defines puppetclass,
puppetbase, and parentnode.

This looks to me like a rails error, but I don't find any relevant issues.
 I DID find a reference to puppetLabs article that says that by default, the
puppetVar attribute does not support arrays, but it looks like the version
of Ruby I am running (1.8.5) already has the fixed code.

I can workaround this by removing the multiple environment attributes, but
that seems like a bandaid at best and causes me some extra amount of work.

I figured I would start here since the error is being thrown by Puppet.  I'm
running Puppet Server 0.25.4 and Puppet Client 0.25.4.


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