On 9 June 2010 06:09, Jason Koppe <jason.robert.ko...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 12:28 AM, Joe McDonagh <
> joseph.e.mcdon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Daniel Kerwin wrote:
>> > Hi list,
>> >
>> > i just enabled storeconfigs and cannot use puppetrun on more than 5
>> > hosts. When i try 6+ i get the error message:
>> >
>> > puppetmasterd[16209]: could not obtain a database connection within 5
>> > seconds.  The max pool size is currently 5; consider increasing it.
>> >
>> > My Mysql setup allows a lot more connections (500). Any suggestions?
>> Do you have the proper rubygem for mysql installed? I think on
>> deb/ubuntu it's something like libmysql-ruby1.8.
> I'm having the same problem with the mysql gem installed and the gem
> appears to be in-use

The gem version is a bit of a red herring, so long are using the gem and not
Ruby's own connector. As the warning suggests, ActiveRecord's pool option
simply needs raising if it's to be put under any strain at all. There is a
bug/feature ticket as #2568 [0] which exposes this option to Puppet's
configuration. But it's not due to be delivered until 2.6/rowlf.

I've been slipstreaming the patch into 0.25 myself because storeconfigs
grinds to a halt without it in my environment. Given the simplicity of the
diff and that it seems to be affecting a number of people I think it
probably warrants being brought forward to 0.25.

[0] http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2568

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