On Jun 15, 8:24 pm, "Gus F." <gus.fer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It is happening on 0.25.5-1 server, but so far I have only seen the
> problem on 0.24.X clients.  I don't have an 0.25.4 master to test
> against, but at any rate I am unable to reproduce the problem.  The
> problem seems to have occurred in a relatively small time across the
> affected clients, and hasn't happened again (yet).

Sounds like the same setup here. We're in the middle of transitioning,
masters are .25.5 and clients .24.8. Wasn't able to reproduce, and a
very low occurrence rate. I only see one failure in the past ~6 hours.
Maybe a dozen for the entire day. And that's at ~1400 puppetruns/hr.

Doesnt look like an issue with Concat define. This is a straight File
resource here:

file {
                owner => "root", mode => 0755, group => "root", ensure => 

Wed Jun 16 00:00:42 -0700 2010 //#<YAML::Syck::BadAlias:0x2a9881c690>/
File[/etc/mail] (err): Failed to retrieve current state of resource:
can't convert YAML::Syck::BadAlias into Integer
Wed Jun 16 00:00:42 -0700 2010 //#<YAML::Syck::BadAlias:0x2a9881c690>/
(notice): Dependency file[/etc/mail] has 1 failures
Wed Jun 16 00:00:42 -0700 2010 //#<YAML::Syck::BadAlias:0x2a9881c690>/
(warning): Skipping because of failed dependencies
Wed Jun 16 00:00:42 -0700 2010 //#<YAML::Syck::BadAlias:0x2a9881c690>/
Remotefile[/etc/mail/aliases]/File[/etc/mail/aliases] (notice):
Dependency file[/etc/mail] has 1 failures
Wed Jun 16 00:00:42 -0700 2010 //#<YAML::Syck::BadAlias:0x2a9881c690>/
Remotefile[/etc/mail/aliases]/File[/etc/mail/aliases] (warning):
Skipping because of failed dependencies

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