Thanks Jeff.. It was the location of the PID file that was holding me
back.  I fixed it in /etc/init.d/puppet, and then distributed via
puppet to the rest of the nodes.


On Sep 23, 12:32 pm, Jeff McCune <> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:00 AM, CraftyTech <> wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >     I'm running puppet 0.25.5, and CentOS 5.4.  Whenever I run either
> > service puppet status or /etc/init.d/puppet status it tells me the
> > service is stopped when the service is actually running.  I remember
> > this being an issue w/ 0.25.4, but I thought it was addressed in
> > 0.25.5.  Does anyone know how to circumvent this issue?  I know can
> > just do kill -9 $puppet_pid, but I rather do service puppet stop, or /
> > etc/init.d/puppet stop.
> Puppet is probably scanning the process table to determine if the
> service is running or not.  I recommend making sure the init script
> has a proper status method and then configure puppet to call the
> status method using hasstatus => true in the service resource.
> Hope this helps,
> --
> Jeff McCune

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