On 09/23/2010 09:06 PM, James Cammarata wrote:

Here's the way we do it, and it works very well for us, while avoiding
"globals" and the associated issues.

First, we have a "basezone" class, which is empty and really is just a
place holder (you'll see what this is for in a minute):

Thanks for the reply !

Simplifying your example, then :

class foo {
  $foo_var = "beer"

class bar {
  include foo
  # we could assign it here...
  $bar_var = $::foo::foo_var
  file { 'template':
    content => template('bar/template.erb')

With "template.erb":

This is foo_var as determined by bar : <%= bar_var =>
Or directly from foo : <%= scope.lookupvar('foo::foo_var') %>

Applying this distilled example to my previously stated scenario, then, we might have something like :

# include this where appropriate
class getsite {
  $site_name = $domain ? {
    'abc.dom.ain' => 'abc',
    'xyz.dom.ain' => 'xyz',
  $site_ip = $domain ? {
    'abc.dom.ain' => '1',
    'xyz.dom.ain' => '2',

# yes i know there's a module for this; this is just a contrived example
class resolv {
  include getsite
  file { '/etc/resolv.conf:
    content => template('resolv/resolv.conf.erb')

With template "resolv.conf.erb" :
search <%= scope.lookupvar('getsite::site_name') %>.dom.ain
server 10.<%= scope.lookupvar('getsite::site_ip') %>.0.1

This works exactly as it appears, and is a reasonable approach, though in my example scenario the scope is limited ; i would harbour concerns about tracking this though many levels of scope (as you have) without proper internal documentation. :)

Thanks for the idea !

Daniel Maher <dma AT witbe DOT net>
"The Internet is completely over." -- Prince

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