One of the nice features of using the Tidy resource to prune a directory
hierarchy in puppet is that any File resources you create within that
tree will not be touched.  However, the tidy resource *will* log that it
is tidying them.  This is not good. I like puppet to log any changes it
makes so that logwatch can pick them up - puppet should only need to
make changes if the state of the node is not as described.
Unfortunately, with the Tidy logging as it is, where I want to tidy any
files not managed by puppet I either have to set the loglevel for the
tidy resource so that it doesn't log *anything* or suffer spurious log
messages and explicitly filter them out on the logwatch side.

I think it would be reasonable of puppet not to log the tidying of files
which are not actually tidied.  Do people agree?  In which case I'll
file a bug report.  Or have I missed a clean way of resolving this?


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